Friday, March 27, 2009

Cupcakes, Cake and Irish soda bread

I haven't baked in a while and it's driving me crazy!  

I promised a guy at work I'd make him some vegan cupcakes but then my grandmother had passed away.  Then when I was finally feeling up to making them he, my co-worker, had a massive heart attack and is in the hospital.  I am trying to get his friend, who also works with me, what kind of cupcakes he'd like so I can make them for him and bring them to his house when he gets out.  Now the rest of the people at work want me to make them cupcakes as well!  I guess I'll have to bring my book of cupcakes into work so they can pick what kind of cupcakes they want.  I'm going to be a busy bee!

In a month or so I'll also have to make a dummy/trial wedding cake for my wedding.  I'm making the vegan cake and my friend is going to make the cake the everyone else can eat.  I know in my head what I want it to look like...just going to have to sketch it up.  The wedding is fast approaching and I'm getting nervous it wont come together and be how I want it to be.  Everyone keeps telling me everything always comes together...I sure hope it does!

As for the Irish soda bread; I really wanted to make it for St. Patrick's Day but I had to work and I would have never been able to make it before hand.  I'm going to have to make it this weekend or something.  I told my mom I'd be making them (my family) a loaf or two as well.

Well, I'm off to get ready for work.  I don't want to go but at least it's Friday and it's PAY DAY!!

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